Thank you rain for washing away my pain,
for your sweet sound on the ground,
for your drips running on my skin,
for your shadow reflected through my window,
for your smell that perfumes the air,
for bringing back life and making nature thrive.
Thank you for making me slowing down, for remaining inside, forcing me to take care of myself, to stay under a warm blanket, to feel and face the truth, to look deeply into my wounds.
Thank you for creating such beautiful puddles to splash others with your water. Such a gift to my inner child who has long felt the need to be wild, allowing the joy to take control, and play my way no matters what others say.
Sorry to have seen you as a burden while you were watering my internal garden. Sorry for having complained, or blaming you rain, for running away and trying to escape, for wishing you, by the sun, to be replaced.
Thank you for setting me free from social conditioning or what they call normality. I let you purify me, to be ready for a new beginning. Yes, thank you rain for removing my chains, removing this big weight.
I choose to stop seeing you as darkness, as heaviness, and now contemplate your preciousness, opening my awareness, my consciousness, bringing lightness and happiness. Yes thank you rain, I see you as who you are, you are such a precious gift from the sky.